Lostine River


The Lostine River is located in northeast Oregon on the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest. Originating from Minam Lake in the Eagle Cap Wilderness, the river flows through a glaciated, U-shaped valley and is surrounded by mountain meadows and high mountain peaks. The upper five miles of the designated segment, within the wilderness, are classified as wild, and the lower 11 miles are classified as recreational.

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Designated Reach

October 28, 1988. From its headwaters in the Eagle Cap Wilderness to the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest boundary.

Outstandingly Remarkable Values


The Lostine River corridor includes numerous Endangered Species Act and/or Oregon Endangered Species Act proposed, endangered, threatened, and sensitive species of plants. These include, but are not limited to, 11 species of moonwort and the northern twayblade. The rarity of finding so many moonw...Show More


The Lostine River supports anadromous fisheries, such as spring chinook and summer steelhead, as well as several species of native and stocked trout, including bull trout. The river supports summer steelhead and spring and fall chinook which are both very important locally, regionally, and nation...Show More


The quality and diversity of recreational opportunities available along the Lostine River corridor makes it a very popular area. The Eagle Cap Wilderness and the Lostine Canyon draw visitors locally and from great distances outside the geographic region. The Lostine River corridor provides a comb...Show More


The Lostine River possesses much diversity in landform, water, color, and vegetation. The headwaters of the Lostine River are located in the spectacular high country of the Wallowa Mountains. Here, the river meanders through lush meadows surrounded by steep, craggy, granitic peaks. Further down, ...Show More


The diversity and importance of the habitat in the Lostine River corridor supports a diversity of wildlife habitats and species, including Rocky Mountain elk, deer, black bear, wolf, mountain lion, beaver, otter, mink, and other small mammals. Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep, indigenous to the Eagle...Show More

Managing Partners And Contacts


Recreational Wild
Recreational — 11 miles; Wild — 5 miles; Total — 16 miles.
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