Rio Mameyes
Puerto Rico
The Rio Mameyes originates in the upper elevations of the El Yunque National Forest at over 2,000 feet in a cloud forest and flows from there in a northernly direction. The river is bounded by steep, rugged slopes throughout its length with large boulders along the shore and within the stream which makes for many cascades and small waterfalls. The lush and varied vegetation found along the banks provide a very picturesque setting.
The Rio Mameyes watershed covers 6.88-square miles within the El Yunque National Forest, or 10.4% of the forest. Water quality is optimum within the upper segment since the entire corridor is located in the Baño de Oro Natural Area and no development exists. Due to steep slopes, no significant flood plains occur. There are approximately 73 acres of riparian wetlands in the designated segments.
Designated Reach
December 19, 2002. From its headwaters in the Ban.AE6o de Oro Research Natural Area to the boundary of the Caribbean National Forest.
Outstandingly Remarkable Values
The tropical moist forests of Puerto Rico are characterized for their great diversity of plants, although somewhat less so than in continental tropical forests. More tree species occur on the El Yunque than in all the other 155 national forests combined, and none of these species occur on any oth...Show More
Elevation on the forest ranges from 100 feet at the northern boundary to 3,533 feet at El Toro Peak. Terrain ranges from gentle slopes in low elevations to rugged side slopes exceeding 60% in higher elevations, where vertical rock-faced cliffs are numerous. On the forest’s north slopes, the Rio M...Show More
The major recreational experiences are passive enjoyment of the natural environment, picnicking, wading in the water, and hiking. Currents within the rivers are generally conducive to water play. The river is relatively shallow and has easy access between the rocks and along the banks. The large ...Show More
The river has a moderate to steep gradient and rapid/pool flow characteristics with many cascades and small waterfalls. The swales are steep and wide with extensive exposed bedrock. The streambed is rocky with numerous large boulders. The recreation segments of the Rio Mameyes, from Angelito Trai...Show More
The fauna that is found along the river corridor is one of the most distinguishable communities in Puerto Rico. Species exhibit traits unique only to tropical ecosystems. Aquatic, bird, and terrestrial animal species on the forest have many distinct characteristics that have evolved through inter...Show More