2024’s Wild & Scenic River Stewardship Partners

Grants Awarded
August 23, 2024

River Network and the USDA Forest Service have joined forces for the sixth consecutive year to support the stewardship of wild and scenic rivers across the United States. This partnership provides crucial funding to nonprofits and tribes, enabling them to protect and preserve miles of free-flowing rivers within national forests. These rivers not only offer recreational opportunities and clean drinking water but also play a vital role in sustaining local economies.

Carp River, Michigan
Image Details
Mike Alderink

In 2024, the program offered two types of awards: Relationship Building Awards and Stewardship Impact Awards. The Relationship Building Awards aim to foster collaboration between local Forest Service offices and new partners, covering salaries and travel costs to build meaningful relationships and create a shared vision. Meanwhile, the Stewardship Impact Awards support a wide range of projects, from water quality monitoring and environmental education to habitat restoration and youth engagement programs.

This year's recipients include 13 diverse organizations and tribes spread across the country, each working on unique projects to benefit their local wild and scenic rivers. From the Sault Saint Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians in Michigan to the Kern River Conservancy in California, these groups are undertaking vital work in water quality testing, youth education, habitat protection, and community engagement. Their efforts ensure a future for the places they love and generations to come.

The Projects & Awardees

This funding opportunity is still open and will be until all funding has been allocated. At this time, we have funding for four more organizations looking to build a relationship with the national forest office in their area. Please reach out to Grace Fullmer at gfullmer@rivernetwork.org for more information.