Rivers in Pennsylvania are working rivers, providing for the nation’s commerce and food. Pittsburgh is, of course, famous for its three rivers—the Allegheny, Monongahela, and Ohio—transporting materials of the steel industry. The Susquehanna River is the major tributary to the oyster and seafood-rich Chesapeake Bay. The Delaware River and its shipping and shipbuilding is also central to our nation’s history. But that’s not to say that every river is developed, or its main purpose industry. Pennsylvania is a water-rich state with over 80,000 miles of streams and rivers, most of which support fishing, kayaking, and other boating activities. Pennsylvania’s many waterways make multi-use trails (hiking, biking, etc.), bird-watching, and other animal viewing activities appealing to visitors. The ability of these water resources to support recreation and tourism opportunities calls for a careful balance between these uses and other water use sectors. Pennsylvania has approximately 83,260 miles of river, of which 409.3 miles are designated as wild and scenic—approximately 1/2 of 1% of the state’s river miles.
Pennsylvania's Scenic Rivers Program has another 13 rivers protected at the state level.