Is citizen involvement in the wild and scenic river study process encouraged?

Yes. Under Section 5(a) of the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act, the public is involved in the study of rivers authorized by Congress. The report associated with a congressionally authorized study addresses subjects such as current status of land ownership and use in the area; reasonably foreseeable potential uses of land and water which would be affected by designation; the federal agency to administer the river if designated; and the ability of, and estimated costs to, state and local agencies to participate in the administration of such rivers. The public and state, local and tribal governments help assemble, evaluate data, and develop alternatives. With respect to studies under Section 5(a) of the Act, the responsible federal study agency assists local and state entities in the study process.

In response to Section 5(d)(1) of the Act, administering agencies also involve the public in the determination of potential wild and scenic rivers through normal inventory and study processes. Starting with scoping meetings for agency planning documents, agencies discuss the inventory and study of rivers within their respective planning units. The public and state, local and tribal governments have the opportunity to discuss issues, concerns, river values, and associated impacts with agency personnel. As the process continues, similar discussions on the suitability of eligible rivers take place as determinations and environmental documents are prepared.

Interagency Wild & Scenic Rivers Council