What triggers a wild and scenic river study report?

Wild and scenic river study reports are prepared in three instances:

  1. When Congress authorizes a study pursuant to Section 5(a) of the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act.

  2. For eligible rivers that have also been determined suitable by a federal land management agency pursuant to Section 5(d)(1) of the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act, when the agency deems it appropriate to forward the recommendation.

  3. For state-nominated Section 2(a)(ii) rivers, the National Park Service prepares a report determining whether the candidate river meets the requirements of Section 2(a)(ii). Its contents differ from those of study reports prepared under Section 5 of the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act in that the 2(a)(ii) report only addresses the river’s eligibility for designation. The report does not address suitability, beyond the requirement that the river be protected pursuant to an act of the state legislature and be administered by a state or local entity. This report is submitted to the Secretary of the Interior.
Interagency Wild & Scenic Rivers Council