What is the Nationwide Rivers Inventory (NRI)?

The Nationwide Rivers Inventory (NRI) is a listing of some free-flowing rivers (or river segments), which, based on preliminary studies, are considered to meet eligibility criteria for the National Wild & Scenic Rivers System. From 1976 to 1980, the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation and the Heritage, Conservation, and Recreation Service compiled the initial NRI, which was subsequently updated, published, and first distributed by the National Park Service (NPS) in January 1982. Additions have been made as a result of Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and U.S. Forest Service (USFS) inventories as a part of their land use planning process. The NRI is maintained and revised as necessary by the NPS. Listing on the NRI, or any other source list, does not represent an official determination of eligibility, and conversely, absence does not indicate a river’s ineligibility. Information about use of the NRI is found at nps.gov/nri.

Interagency Wild & Scenic Rivers Council